Hear from our Partners

Supported in growth

“The leads keep getting better and better quality and our close rate is almost double that of what we use with other providers.”
Jed Strong
Strong Law

Great Experience

“The phone is ringing, the volume is excellent, and we've signed up some serious injury cases”
Marc D Alberts
Alberts, Curran & Eiles P.C.

5 Months of Unbelievable Success

“The calls, the consultations... have been in the hundreds. Our conversion rate is phenomenal, it's in the 40-50% which I know is unbelievable.”
Marcus Viles
Viles & Beckman, LLC

Amazing Conversion Rates

"Within the first two months what I found out was that I converted over 30% of my calls to cases I signed up. After that time I went all in. I've been doing business with Media Power Marketing for over six months now. In my case, conversion rate is 30% or more. Thank you very much. Media Power Marketing."
Chris Trainor
Law Offices of Christopher Trainor

Excited and Believes in the Vision

"...I gave [it] a shot and it produced. So I re-upped and it produced even better. I'm really excited about the future and the vision Brian has for this company."
Digger Earles
LaBorde Earles Law Firm

Many more coming soon...

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